The project, Mask, explores the notion of a mask through self-performed images to refute fixed identity and cultural perceptions based on a person’s ethnic background. It is a great opportunity to realise this project as the part of Mapping Melbourne 2020/2021 program, which shares the same value of advocating the equity of the human being with the perspective of an Asian-Australian.

The current Covid-19 pandemic offers the chance to reflect on how we live together and reminds us of the deeply rooted racial discrimination. The absurd syllogistic reasoning prejudges people based on their appearance. The project, Mask, refutes fixed identity based on ethnicity through multiple interpretations of a mask and performing body from a perspective of an Asian-Australian.
A mask protects from the spreading of the virus.
A mask protects from the physical and verbal violence on people with Asian ethnicity with the blame for spreading the virus.
A mask embraces the vulnerability of people who are exposed to discrimination and people with a weakened immune system.
A mask is a disguise of the selfish act with an excuse for survival and uncertainty of the future.
A mask is a beautification of whiter and fairer skin to resemble white Westerners within the Eurocentric concept of beauty and superiority.
A mask is a superficial representation of a person regardless of inner character.
The unidentifiable blurring face and damaged Instant ID photographs imply the ambiguity of identity with the debate on the veracity of truth in the visual representation of appearances. Mask advocates the equity of the human being, colliding hierarchisation and binary structure of white and non-white people under the notion of humanism.

Online Launching Event: 10 December 2020, MAV (Multicultural Arts Victoria)
All works of Mask can be viewed at: https://www.mav.org.au/event/mask-by-soyoun-kim/